Kawari-nuri Splash Ink-red


Item No.:PUR-KWCSIR0002
Size:Full Length141.4mm

The nib is an option /The default nib is a steel nib, and the gold nib can be upgraded at an additional price/
※Please remark the brand, material, colour and size of the nib after placing the order※
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SKU: PUR-KWCSIR0002 Categories: ,


【CYPRESS – Kawari-nuri:Splash Ink-red】

The designer takes ink splashing as the idea and takes this as the design theme. On the monochromatic canvas, the designer boldly uses black splashing ink effect, smudged the ink, ink and wash down it, the momentum is magnificent, combining the classics of Chinese traditional painting techniques with fountain pens.

The special drying conditions of natural tree lacquer are extremely cumbersome and time-consuming, requiring dozens of repeated painting and polishing. The designer is careful every time It takes at least three months to make a pen, creating a distinctive feature, and the output is scarce and precious, so the work has a unique artistic value.

Length:141.4mm|Diameter:14.4mm|Weight:19.3g|Section:w11.2 xh16.8 mm|Filling Mechanism:Converter or Cartridge|Material:Ebonite |Nib:JOWO

Mr. Cypress書寫工具提供獨一無二的書寫體驗,完美均衡的重量,墨水在紙張上的流暢體驗。讓您專注於重要的事-您想要寫的東西。每項經典書寫工具的誕生,都源自職人的完美堅持;看似理所當然的精巧便利,都滿載著體貼入懷的深情厚意;每個設計都是卓越的象徵,每一支筆都是從「推進精美寫作的藝術和工藝願景」開始,創造歷久彌新。

特選訂製系列 Customize Style | 精湛工藝 新穎獨特的設計 專注於純手工的價值
夢想的實現 經由藝匠巧思巧手 幻化為期待與驚喜 滿是詩意的作品因而誕生

“Kawari-nuri” is a kind of paint filling technique. The surface of the lacquer is half-dried to create a bumpy surface. After it dries, it is layered and ground with different colored paints. Because of the different heights of the paint, the smooth and smooth surface will show different results.

Additional information

Weight 19.3 g
Dimensions 14.14 × 1.44 cm