Incense Ceder Multi-purpose pen holder
Item No.: W01-SC0110
Brand:Mr. Cypress
名稱:快木文創 肖楠多用途筆座
10 in stock
Made with buffalo horns, this collection features flowing gradients of colors and jade-like sheen, with the uniquely irregular patterns of the horns. The grip is integrated with the barrel, combined with a nib of a similar color to add to the extraordinary glistening appearance of the pen. A buffalo horn is only solid at the tip: The rest of it is hollow. Therefore, only a small portion can be used in pen-making, making the material extremely valuable.
Incense Ceder Multi-purpose pen holder
- 以整棵肖楠原木磨製而成,散發陣陣木頭清香
- 可防止愛筆滾動或失蹤,且拿取方便,好看又好用
- 可當紙鎮,亦可做擺飾,是多功能小物
- 造型圓滿可愛,呼應「團圓」之意,最適合新年新氣象
- 具有肖楠木獨特的閃花紋路,精美可愛
筆座形狀特殊、用途多元,是最特殊的桌上擺飾。以肖楠原木製成,即使是小物也以最細緻的工藝製成,此即為快木文創對待顧客 最真誠的心意。